How to Make an "Extra" $10k Per Month ASAP...

Randy McLean

Are you struggling to make money online?

I did.  I struggled with making sales of any kind, especially when I was first starting out.

Back then, I couldn't gain any traction because I didn't have anyone to turn to or someone who would really let me in on what's working.

In my defence, I did do tons of research.  I tried many methods and even had a few "a-ha" moments (or so I thought).  But I just couldn't seem to make any progress whatsoever.

It was super frustrating!

Over a period of time, I slowly started accepting my lack of progress as "normal" in order to justify my ongoing failures.  Now that I look back, it was a dark period in my life.

It was almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Because of this I started making bad decisions and doing things half-assed.

I started goofing around on Facebook when I should have been working.  I watched hours of YouTube videos thinking I was getting closer to my goal.  I kept starting and stopping over and over again.

Sound familiar?

All because I didn't have any clear direction or belief in what I was doing.  In the words of Metallica, "Sad But True."

Then one day, sort of by accident I stumbled onto a mentor - and it forever changed how I approached online marketing.

Check out the following quote:

"If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do and you'll achieve the same results." - Tony Robbins

So that's the exact approach I took.  I followed my mentor's advice to the letter and I saw my first sale in less than 7 days!

I started generating commissions on a regular basis.  Even while I was sleeping or watching TV.  My online income was growing each and every month.  It was (and is) super exciting!

It got to the point where I started appearing on leaderboards along with 6 and 7 figure earners:

After years of spinning my wheels I finally started seeing the results I was looking for.  I made my wife proud which is a great feeling :)

I always knew deep down in my heart that this could work.

I also started getting a lot of messages from struggling online marketers asking me for advice.  Many of their stories are just like mine.

They want to change their lives, but they lack the proper knowledge and guidance.  They're confused by all the videos, blog posts, and "gurus" all telling them something different.

I wanted to simplify the marketing process for them the best I could, so I put together a short, 16 page report geared specifically to new marketers and those who have lost their way.

It contains the exact information I use to build wealth on the internet.  I call it Secrets to a 10k Monthly Online Income.

Inside this jam-packed report I cover:

#1.  The #1 Mistake Affiliates Make 

Get this wrong and you might as well light your money on fire. Yes, it's that important.

#2.  What to Promote for a Higher ROI 

There's a right way to pick products and there's the wrong way.  This can mean the difference between making chump change or making a life changing income.

#3.  The Secret Formula for Success

This simple but potent formula is something you should tape to your fridge.  It's responsible for millions of dollars in sales and it's what I swear by.

#4.  Marketing is About Numbers

 This will help you to let go of your emotions, stand back and get a much larger picture.  You'll know exactly what you need to do to reach your goals.

#5Paid Traffic Vs. Free Traffic

What's the best solution for you?  I finally clear this up and show you what really works.

#6.  False Evidence Appearing Real

 Money loves speed.  This is what winners do to achieve real business success.  Hint:  It has nothing to do with the law of attraction or other mystical BS.

#7.  Putting It All Together

Finally, I'll show you a case study with a successful campaign I've put together.  There is no theory here.

This is a really great read!  I was quite surprised.  It's not only easy to read but has some really good content.  What really stuck out for me was the #1 mistake newbies make when they first get started.  We all make mistakes when we first get started but it's great knowing the #1 mistake so we can avoid it so we don't waste a lot of time and effort.  I highly recommend this book.  Thank you Randy for adding to entrepreneurship online in its most helpful way.  Get this book and I'll see you at the top!

Sharon Stewart-Francis
CEO Debt Killa Academy

For the price of a small pizza, you can be well on your way to changing your life for the better. 

For a limited time, you can get instant access for a one time payment of only $7.00.  I was told I was crazy for pricing this so low.

This is literally something you can do anywhere you have internet access.

Ask yourself the following:

- Are you staying up half the night trying to figure this stuff out on your own?

- Are you struggling to make money even after buying useless info products?

- Do friends and family get on your case about your so-called "business?"

If you answered yes to any of these questions then I highly recommend grabbing a copy of my report.

If I can do this, you can do it too.  It really isn't that complicated.

Within the next hour, you can learn what took me years to discover.  And it will allow you to live life on your own terms.

Look, I realize you might have been burned before.  It happens.  But the good news is that you can get this report completely on my dime.

You have a full 30 days to decide whether you like it or not.  All of the risk is on me.

 Click the button below to get started:


Make it happen,

P.S.  The price of this offer is going up SOON.  Isn't it time you start succeeding?  Now's your chance...

P.P.S.  To sweeten the deal and really make this a no-brainer I'm throwing in an awesome bonus.  You'll also get "Copywriting - Words that Sell."  This is an hour long webinar by Top Earner Geoff Stephen.  Geoff has spoken at events all over the country.  This webinar will show you how to turn your words into cash.  Just promise you'll use this for good and not for evil.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?

A: I offer a full 30 days "no questions asked" money back guarantee.

Q: What will happen if I don't buy this report?

A: Your income level will likely stay the same.  It's up to you.

Q: Do you really make a passive income on the internet?

A: Yes!  Here's an email screenshot of sales notifications for one of my affiliate accounts.  These are all between $40-$100 monthly commissions.

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