"Get Rid of Your Mobility Issues Once and For All"

Mobility issues can really affect the quality of a person's life.  This can have a significant impact on doing daily tasks such as shopping, cooking and even going to the washroom.  As mobility issues worsen, it might even prevent an individual from getting out of a chair and walking across the room.

The effects of poor mobility run deeper as well.  People who can't go out often lack social interaction which often leads to depression and mental instability.  They often feel isolated and alone. And worse yet, there's a strong feeling of a loss of freedom because of the need to depend on others to run errands or help with daily tasks.

There are also a lot of health and safety issues involved as well.  For example, poor mobility can result in slips and falls, even in the home.  A common injury with falls is a hip fracture.  This results in even poorer mobility making the issue worse.

Poor mobility also results in weight gain due to a lack of exercise.  Obesity can lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke, respiratory problems and ultimately death.

"Loss of mobility is a real problem, but one that is often preventable or treatable."  (Godman, 2013)  For those with mobility issues, this is very good news.  There are factors that are in our control such as obesity and lack of physical exercise.

Prevention is the Best Medicine

In light of this information the best solution to prevent and combat poor mobility is through physical activity. One of most beneficial and fun ways to accomplish this is through Zumba classes for seniors.

Here are some of the key benefits of our Zumba classes:

  • Helps prevent mobility issues

  • Geared to all fitness levels

  • Can be performed around your schedule

  • Positive social environment

  • Health and nutrition seminars

  • Open to male or female

Most of all, our Zumba classes are fun!

Registration is easy. Simply give us a call and one of our friendly team members will help get you started.


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